

Here are our People’s Choice winning photos for the month of December! They received the most votes from the general public while voting was open from December 25th through December 31st 2020.

*Entries were selected from photos submitted from December 1st through December 24th.

Photos submitted after December 24th will be considered for voting in January.


Wesley M.

PLJW 121.60T2

Fred J.

PLFW 129E.30

Laura D.

PLFW 129E.36

Joanna W.


Lisa A.

PLFW 544.36
PLFW 750

Linda A.

PLFW 750.60

Kim W.

PLJW 129.30

Sonal T.

PLFW 750.36

Phong C.

PLFI 750.48

Patrick B.

PLFI 520.24



Our Proline’s Choice winning photos for the month of December! They received the most votes from our Proline Range Hoods’ judges.

*Entries were selected from photos submitted from December 1st through December 24th.


Julia F.

PLFI 750.48

Joanna W.


Robert C.

PLJW 109.54T2 304SS

Ryan K.

PLFI 520.48

Sarah O.


Gus J.

PLFW 129J.30

Jeff M.


Juleah B.

PLFI 755.48

Karin G.

PLFW Vector.30

Walt F.

PLJW 108.30

Thank you for

Submitting your pictures this month

We’re looking forward to next month!

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